Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spinach Smoothie

If you haven't tried this one yet, you must! I know...sounds disgusting...but it really is surprisingly good! Even my picky husband and kids ask for this one!! Plus, you can't beat spinach for breakfast! One veggie already out of the way! :) And, it really doesn't taste like spinach...I promise!

Baby Spinach Stacked to the top of the blender - I love to just pile it in - SO good for you!
1/2 Can of Pineapple
1 Bananna
1 Cup Water/Pineapple Juice
1 Cup Ice (I freeze the pineapple/banana and skip the ice)
*Make sure you buy the pineapple in pineapple juice NOT "Heavy Syrup" - that just means tons of sugar!! :)

Recently, I started adding a scoop of Whey Protein Powder as well. For only 100 extra calories you get 20 grams of protein that make this smoothie a delicious breakfast that will keep you feeling full until lunch!


  1. YUM, I LOVE IT!! Which is saying a lot because I don't like spinach. Thanks so much for sharing especially since I was having a hard time getting all my veggies in, in a day!

  2. Yay! So glad you liked it! Everyone is surprised by how yummy it is! Really, give it a try!!

  3. If the color is a turn off for you, (it was for me and my kids) try adding some blueberries or blackberries to 'cover' it up.

  4. I am trying this! Only I am using frozen berries and OJ instead of the pineapple. I hope it still turns out good! And I'm trying to find a way to trick JD into drinking it...I have a juicer and he won't drink that stuff for anything. If he knows there is spinach in it, I am done for. Hmm....I could tell him kiwis make it green!
